Ideas For The Better
There are causes out there that need everyone to jump in and contribute in anyway possible. After all, we are all connected somehow. I wish I could have done more but these are some of the ways I helped keep our world a little more sane and livable. What’s your cause? Let me help you with your efforts.
Hoodies For the Homeless
Creative Director | Concept
Hoodies for the Homeless is the vision of a Marine who has a heart for veterans on the streets. His idea is blindingly simple yet powerful in action – give the homeless hoodies to keep them warm at night. I had the good fortune of working with Tavis and his efforts to help veterans by raising money through his music.
We took classic cardboard, the iconic symbol for everything homeless, and turned it into a media vehicle. First, we picked up boxes from the streets. Next, we hand-cut and hand-lettered the message on the boxes. We then returned them back to the same streets. It was a novel way to bring attention to the cause of homelessness.
Tavis Eaton is pursuing a GoodHood project that uses wearable technology to keep the veterans warm and also to monitor their vital signs.
Every Beat Matters
Creative Director
Over 7 million children die each year because of preventable illnesses. This urgent cause needed new inventive funding. With traditional giving drying up, Save the Children reached out to millennials to jump in. But, millennials don’t write checks. So we got them to donate by downloading music. A new giving model was born.
Kindness Card Experiment
Creative Director
Studies show that when you acknowledge people for their kindness you reinforce the behavior. The Kindness Card is an ambitious social experiment that tracked acts of kindness across New York. It turned out that New Yorkers weren’t as rude as people thought.
Set Beautiful Free
Creative Director | Writer | Creator
Young girls are enslaved as sex objects all over the world. A tragic and depraved way of life that is never more visible in the slums of Mumbai, India. We had to tell that story, but it needed a message that they are just as beautiful despite the physical and emotional scars. Set Beautiful Free became a movement to help free these girls and women. Sometimes just simple words can change everything.
Clap For Brazil
Creative Director | Concept
How do you get Brazilians to celebrate the Olympics and not fear Zika? We put their hands together to create a movement like no other. That simple act changed everything. Proof of how a brand can get involved in culture and sell products that people will gladly buy.
Creative Director
The elephants were free from the circus. The whales were free from Sea World. It was time to free the big cats from the circus. This controversial effort brought attention to that in an unexpected way.
Cook For The Cure
Creative Director
KitchenAid and the world’s best cooks. A perfect recipe to fight breast cancer with the Susan Komen foundation.
Global Fund
Global Fund designs and prints stamps every year to raise money to help victims of Aids.This one was the world’s first scratch-off stamp where people can donate the very coin they use to scratch and read the hidden message on the stamp. Small, yet big in every sense.